Heating and Cooling
Call Us Today! 574-875-7664
24 Hour Emergency Line (574) 536-1069
Most people don't realize when their heating system or furnace isn't functioning until frigid temperatures arrive.
EBY Plumbing Plus Heating and Cooling offer a
maintenance program to ensure that your heating system, whether you use gas or electric, is always in tip-top condition. Maintenance is beneficial, so you can repair the issue before it becomes costly and not during a cold crisis.
When you've noticed that your home or business isn't warm or has a hard time staying warm, let our team diagnose and repair your furnace. We service and repair all makes and models.
When you need routine maintenance on your heating system, a completely new heating unit, or repairs, our team can take care of your heating unit. We provide you quality work at an affordable rate.
Phone: 574-875-7664
Address: 23833 County Road 45,
Elkhart, In 46516
24 Hour Emergency Line (574) 536-1069
Insured, Bonded, Licensed
IN LIC #PC89200-160